Mrs. Thiessen has been teaching for a quarter of a century and has spent her entire career right here at Cornerstone! She has taught multiple grade levels and specialty classes over the years, took a few years off when her children were little and came back in the Vice Principal role where she has been for 8 years now. Mrs. Thiessen also manages all of our Special Education department working with students, programming and helping kids become the best they can be.
She has lived in Abbotsford for a very long time, has two pretty great kids, one pretty great husband, one sassy cat and two VERY sassy bunny rabbits that come to school with her most days.
One of Mrs. Thiessen’s very favourite things about Cornerstone is all the different cultures we have here and she secretly wishes she could experience and belong to all of them! Bring her ALL the traditional clothing, ALL the traditional food and teach her ALL the traditional customs!!
Mon to Fri 8:30AM - 3:30PM